Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) is a faculty support program for writing pedagogy and assessment. We offer individual consultations, workshops, and class visits for faculty who want help with responding to drafts, designing assignments, and offering specific lessons. We also can help with A-portfolio teaching and assessing Composition, WID, or capstone courses and in proposal development. We work with community colleges teaching WAC courses and offer an annual community college writing faculty conference, and our website offers a wide range of resources for teaching and assessing writing at all levels. With the Appalachian Rhetoric and Composition Program and the University Writing Center, WAC was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in 2011 by CCCC. 


Most new faculty find our Vertical Writing Model and offers to substitute teach writing topics most beneficial:


Brendan Hawkins

Writing Across the Curriculum
Brendan Hawkins
Faculty WAC Consultant
828-262-2076 (phone)
828-262-2032 (fax)

Georgia Rhoades